Website information

Hotel Garni Schranz
Tannberg 65
6764 Lech am Arlberg, Vorarlberg


Telephone: +43 5583 25270

Managing Director: Christine Maria Astrid Schuster

Legal form:
VAT ID number: ATU 40992100
Company registration number: 535834t
Court of jurisdiction: Landesgericht Feldkirch
Authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Bludenz
Chamber of Commerce: Wirtschaftskammer Vorarlberg

Due to the technical characteristics of the internet it is not possible for us to guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and comprehensiveness of the information provided on the internet. We also assume no liability for the availability or operation of this website and its content. As far as legally possible, we assume no liability for direct, indirect or other damage resulting from the use or non-availability of the data and information on this homepage. Our website contains link to external websites run by third parties. We have no influence on the content of these websites. We therefore assume no liability for this content. Instead, it is always the operator of the respective website who is responsible for the content. The websites linked to from this website were checked at the time of linking. No illegal content was found at the time these links were created.

All content on this website is protected by copyright.

  • © Mathias Lixl /
  • © Daniel Zangerl / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © danielzangerl
  • © Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © Sepp Mallaun / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © Wucher Helikopter
  • © Christoph Schoech / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © Bernadette Otter / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © Kirstin Toedtling / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © Hans Wiesenhofer / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © Alex Kaiser / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © Daniel Zangerl
  • © Schristoph Schoech / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • ©
  • © Adrian Schröder
  • © Christoph Panzer
  • © Arlberg Alpin
  • © Andreas Gassner / Vorarlberg Tourismus
  • © Florian Strigel / Vorarlberg Tourismus
  • © Dietmar Denger / Vorarlberg Tourismus
  • © Marco Mathis / Vorarlberg Tourismus
  • © Eva Sutter
  • © Dominik Kummer / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © Florian Holzherr / Horizon Field
  • © Tom Vau / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © Erich Spiess / Ski Club Arlberg
  • © Yuma Oberraufner / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © Dietmar Hurnaus / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © TVB Lechtal
  • © TVB Warth Schröcken
  • © jeggo
  • © Angela
  • © Lech Zuers Tourismus / Christoph Schoech
  • © Birgl / Pixabay
  • © Lisa Fail / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © Simon Rainer / Lech Zuers Tourismus
  • © Mathias Lixl
  • © Mathias Lixl /
  • © Lech Zuers Tourismus / Bernd Fischer
  • © LZTG by Sepp Mallaun
  • © Elina Volkova - Pexels
  • © Jozef Fehér - Pexels
  • © Julius Weidenauer - Pexels
  • © Kostas Konidakis - Pexels
  • © Pavel Danilyuk - Pexels
  • © Filip Klinovsky-Pexels
  • © Yan Krukau - Pexels
  • © Marcin Jozwiak - Pexels
  • © Yaroslav Shuraev - Pexels

All content and downloads made available on this website are protected by copyright. Reproduction in other digital or print publications is not permitted without the express permission of the copyright holder.

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